Christine Fan Says She Wants To Do A Full Concert At The 30-Hour Famine Camp

Mei and Melody attended the World Vision's launch of the 30-Hour Famine on 15th April and were lucky to get a one-on-one session with Christine Fan, the sweet ambassador of World Vision.

Stepping into the room, we were taken away by how tall and beautiful the 37-year-old Taiwanese singer is. She is so slim that we wonder: should she go hungry for 30 hours during the 30-Hour Famine camp? But her enthusiasm, sincerity and passion for fighting against world hunger and poverty was loud and clear- this lady is on a mission to share love with her other “fighters” at the 30-Hour Famine Camp, and she is not afraid of hunger.


It’s an amazing feeling. I went to Afghanistan in 2004 to visit the children and the people. I saw the schools, the hospitals and the villages. The schools don’t have any tables and chairs, it’s just four walls and the children sit on their knees to study. They lack basic needs, basic human rights, education, nutrients and are so exposed to natural disasters. The children suffer from hunger and so many other issues. It really makes you grateful for the assets that you never thought you had.

Do you have any tips for the campers of the 30-Hour Famine camps?

A good attitude to stay hungry is a good thing. A good attitude will help you gain energy, share love with the people around you and fight hunger together with them. Ahh, and also the weather in Malaysia is very hot and humid, so maybe bring wet tissues with you.

So it’s more of a mental fight than a physical one to endure 30 hours of hunger?

Yes! It’s really an amazing experience. The hungry feeling, it’s like a feeling of energy, you transform the hunger into energy to fight for the children. And let me tell you, to break fast the organizers will give us a bowl of porridge. And that porridge is the BEST MEAL in the world. That bowl of porridge
feels like happiness.

So you will definitely be joining the hungry campers at the 30-Hour Famine camp this year. This is not your first time?

It’s my first time in Malaysia, but I have already done it for 9 years in Taiwan. [Wang] Lee Hom was the ambassador last year and he told me that he had such a good experience that I cannot miss!

What impact can these camps bring?

The impact is not to give people food, but to help them fulfil their own system to process and produce their own food. It’s helping them help themselves by education.


Start by loving yourself and caring for the people around you. Be grateful for the things you have, be thankful and appreciate it. Then you can share love with the people around you. I think the most important and practical thing is to start small and grow big.

How do you use social media to make a social impact?

Hmm, I usually share the things and messages that I love. There’s the dark side of messages and there are also happy, bright messages. I also share bible verses but I don’t know what kind of impact I am making.

Do you remember the funniest YouTube video that you have watched?

The Harlem Shake! I don’t understand it but it’s funny. It is just a lot of people shaking themselves (she says while shaking herself and flagging her arms)! My sisters and I are planning a Harlem Shake video too, maybe we will post it one day.

Ahh, we will keep a look out for that! Which Harlem Shake Video is your favourite?

It’s the one with LeBron James from Miami Heat. The whole team is dancing and shaking. It’s very funny.


That is two days before my 2nd year wedding anniversary (on the 7th of May).

What do you feel about the responsibility of young people to vote?

Actually I don’t know much about the politics in Malaysia. But in Taiwan, people get aggressive when they are involved in politics or they become ignorant when they are not involved. I think it is important to have a big picture or understanding in world issues to participate. Voting is about making the right choice in choosing the right leader.

Do you have a message to tell to our young voters?

If you look forward to change, it means to participate and that means voting, and knowing who to vote for with a clear head.

That is a very good message. Since SAYS is Malaysia’s social news network, we would like to pick your brain on your news reading habits… Where do you get your news from, and when is your favourite time to read the news?

From CNN! Every morning I run on the treadmill in the gym and I have the TV in front of me with CNN. It helps me get a clear view. But also through the phone, the internet is so easy to get news information.


I will be performing on July 14 in Bukit Jalil, during the golden hours from 12 to 4pm where we have the final countdown. (She turns to her manager) How many songs should I sing? Hmm, actually I sound better when I am hungry so maybe I can do a whole concert!

Do you have any rituals before you go on stage for a performance?

Usually I will pray. I will pray with the whole crew and with the crowd.

Will your husband, Blackie, join you in the 30-Hour Famine camp?

Hmm, yes! Yes, he should be invited to the camp too! He should come and taste hunger because he eats too much good food. Blackie also supports the 30-Hour Famine. He is sponsoring 2 kids as well.

Long time supporter of World Vision and avid 30-Hour Famine camper Christine Fan is also sponsoring 3 children, one of which is in Malawi. Christine Fan has never met them in person, but gets Christmas cards from them every year, letting her sleep with the assurance that she is making a real difference in these children’s life.

Join the 30-Hour Famine Camp and catch Christine Fan (and maybe a full concert) during the final countdown on July 2013 in Bukit Jalil.

For full coverage on the 30-Hour Famine Camp, follow the story at []. #my30hourfamine